30 Best Films with Surprise Twist Ending (1).And that our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, because our destiny lies above us.” - Cooper (Interstellar) Or perhaps we’ve just forgotten that we are still pioneers. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. These moments when we dare to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. “ We’ve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. “ Once you’re a parent, you’re the ghost of your children’s future.” - Cooper (Interstellar)Ģ5. “ Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends time and space.” - Brand (Interstellar)Ģ4. “ We used to look up at the sky a nd wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.” - Cooper (Interstellar)Ģ3. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy’s shoulders to let him know that the world hadn’t ended.” - Batman (The Dark Knight Rises)Ģ2. It’s like putting on a mask.” - John Blake (The Dark Knight Rises)Ģ1. You gotta learn to hide the anger, practice smiling in the mirror. Then they want the angry little kid to do something he knows he can’t do, move on. I mean, they understand, foster parents, everybody understands, for awhile. “ Not a lot of people know what it feels like to be angry, in your bones. “Nothing like a little air superiority, isn’t it?” - Lucius Fox (The Dark Knight Rises)Ģ0. “ Suffering builds character.” - Miranda Tate (The Dark Knight Rises)ġ9. “ How do I drop you without gravity?” - Arthur (Inception)ġ8. An idea that is fully formed – fully understood – that sticks right in there somewhere.” - Cobb (Inception)Īrthur is about to drop them all….very hardġ7. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. “ What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. “ If you are good at something, don’t do it for free.” - Joker (The Dark Knight)ġ6. You want to be fooled.” - Cutter (The Prestige)ġ4. But you won’t find it because of course, you’re not really looking.

But you wouldn’t clap yet, because making something disappear isn’t enough. The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it into something extraordinary. The magician shows you something ordinary. “Every magic trick consists of three parts, or acts. The trick you use it for is everything.” - Alfred Borden (The Prestige)ġ3. You really don’t know? It was… it was the look on their faces…” - Robert Angier (The Prestige)ġ2. But if you could fool them, even for a second, then you can make them wonder, and then you… then you got to see something really special. It’s miserable, solid all the way through.

The audience knows the truth: the world is simple. “ …It’s not who I am underneath… but what I do… that defines me.” - Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins)ġ1. But as a symbol, as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.” - Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins)ġ0. “People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy, and I can’t do that as Bruce Wayne. “Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” - Alfred Pennyworth (Batman Begins)ĩ. “ Men fear most what they cannot see.” - Ducard (Batman Begins)Ĩ. “ The training is nothing! The will is everything! The will to act.” - Ducard (Batman Begins)ħ. But it’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.” - Rachel Dawes (Batman Begins)Ħ. “Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. And a bad cop can’ t sleep because his conscience won’t let him.” - Ellie Burr (Insomnia)ĥ. “ A good cop can’t sleep because he’s missing a piece of the puzzle.

I’m no different.” - Leonard Shelby (Memento)Ĥ. We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. Do I believe the world’s still there? Is it still out there? Yeah. I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world’s still there. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can’t remember them. “I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. They’re just an interpretation, they’re not a record, and they’re irrelevant if you have the facts.”ģ.

“Memory can change the shape of a room it can change the color of a car.