It is a fairly common bird to spot, but a cool one no matter how many you've seen before. Young ospreys can be in the nest nearly two months. It's not a problem if food is plentiful, but if times are hard, the younger chicks can starve to death.

The eggs are layed over a period of days, meaning the young emerge over a period of days, giving older hatchlings an advantage over their younger brothers and sisters. Both parents take turns sitting on the eggs. They typically raise one brood a year females usually lay a clutch of three eggs, which can take as long as six weeks to hatch. Males gather the material females arrange it. Nest are built of sticks and lined with bark, grass, vines and other soft material. Ospreys nest within 12 miles of a source of food - a body of water with plenty of fish. Ospreys are found on every continent except Antarctica. Florida is among the few spots on the map where they live year round. Ospreys range over most of North America, coast-to-coast, and winter as far south as Argentina and Chile. Ospreys can reach nearly two feet in length, their wingspan nearly six feet. Eagles will force ospreys to drop their catch, then dive and pluck the fish in mid-air. Both birds occupy similar habitats, and can compete for food. The white underside separates the two - ospreys are the only raptor so marked. They're similar in appearance to the bald eagle, but ospreys are smaller and lankier than the eagle. At a distance, ospreys appear to be black and white, but seen up close, the dark portions become shades of brown. Their fish-heavy diet and their ability to dive into water to catch their prey are also unique in the hawk world. Its size, hooked, raptor's bill and dark mask around the eyes and side of head and neck distinguish the osprey from other hawks. Ospreys will on occasion down a bird, small mammal or snake. They have a reversible toe and barbed pads on their feet to help them catch and carry their prey. They eat mostly fish and are amazingly efficient at catching them - according to Cornell Labs, it takes an osprey on average about 12 minutes of hunting to nab a meal. They'll perch and nest atop dead trees and electrical poles eating one meal or waiting to catch the next. Ospreys are year-round residents of the Sunshine State, and a common sight near open water, be it fresh or salt. Transport the bird to a wildlife rehabilitation center as soon as possible or call us for advice.Ospreys, Pandiion haliaetus, are the world travelers among hawks, often flying from one end of the hemisphere to the other, from the Arctic to the pampas of Argentina and back during their twice-yearly commute.īut Florida is an exception. A heating pad on a low setting placed underneath half of the box can provide warmth. If you must keep a baby bird overnight, place it in a small box and keep it in a warm, dark, quiet place away from pets or children until you are able to bring it for care. The wrong diet or even water can make them very sick. No worms! Please do not feed baby birds anything.We will return your call as soon as possible. Still no luck? Call us for advice! If we are helping another animal, please leave a message and be patient.You can then watch quietly at a distance for the parents.

Put your makeshift nest into the tree and secure it with bread ties or twine. No nest? Make one! Use a small open container (plastic is best) and place small holes in the bottom for drainage.If you find the nest, put the baby bird into it. Sometimes baby birds are accidentally pushed out by siblings, or they just fall. Don’t worry about them “smelling like a human,” that’s a myth! Most birds have a very poor sense of smell and won’t be able to tell that you helped their baby. These juvenile birds should be put onto a high branch in their nesting tree or another tree nearby or put into bushes (or other cover) where they are less exposed to predators. No parents? Don’t worry! If the bird is covered with short, developing feathers, then it’s a fledgling.Given time and care from their parents, they will soon be up and flying. Many baby birds fall to the ground during their first flight. Don’t panic! Look around-are the parents nearby? If they are, then you should leave the bird alone.Here’s the best way to help them get through this learning phase: Young birds need to exercise to learn to fly, but often end up on the ground, which can make them vulnerable to cats, dogs, raccoons, and other predators.